Whittier Historical Society Digital Photograph Collection

In 2019, the Whittier Historical Society, in collaboration with the Whittier Public Library, was awarded a two year grant by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to digitize the Whittier Museum's 8,000+ historical photograph collection. After the photographs were digitized, the collection was published on the Whittier Public Library's website.
Click the button below for access to the photograph collection. The database is annotated and searchable. The images are downloadable at a resolution that is usually sufficient for computer viewing. For higher resolution images, please contact the Whittier Museum or Whittier Public Library.
The Whittier Historical Society would like to thank the IMLS and Whittier Public library staff that made this project possible: Library Director Paymaneh Maghsoudi, Librarians Rachel Fiore and Erin Fletcher, and Reference Assistants Monica Gonzales and Taylor Ytuarte.