The Art and Life of Madi Comfort

Madi Comfort exhibit opens at the Whittier Museum on Feb. 22, 2025 and closes July 2025 - date TBD

The opening reception on Feb. 22 will begin at 1 PM

Madi Comfort Poster

Madi Comfort was born in 1923; her given name was Mattie Huff Hodge. She was named after her aunt and godmother, Mattie Huff.  Mattie Huff and her husband, Mark Huff, were the first black family to purchase a house in Whittier - also in 1923.

Madi had a fascinating life as a Hollywood model, singer and actress.  When she returned to Whittier to live with her Auntie Huff, Madi embarked on another endeavor:  painting.  Madi became a successful artist and gathered a new family of artists from Rio Hondo College and the Whittier Art Gallery around her.  Madi died in Whittier in 2003.

More than a dozen of Madi's artworks will be on display in this temporary exhibit.  You will also learn about her life in Hollywood, watch her scene from the movie Kiss Me Deadly, read about her connection to the infamous Black Dahlia case, and find out how Madi became the original "Satin Doll."

Painting of Madi's cat Snoopy by Madi Comfort
painting of Paula Kelly by Madi Comfort
painting of Duke Ellington, close-up of his face by Madi Comfort
painting of an orange, dahlia-like flower by Madi Comfort
painting of an Egyptian woman with hieroglyphics in the background by Madi Comfort
painting of Christ with blond hair and blue eyes by Madi Comfort
Some of Madi's paintings in this exhibit are available for purchase.
Madi Comfort modeling
1955 cover of Ebony Magazine with Madi Comfort
cover of sheet music for Satin Doll showing Duke Ellington at the piano